At Ethnic ChikChikNews, customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you need to cancel your order or request a refund, please read our policy carefully for guidance.
Order Cancellation
- Before Dispatch:
You can cancel your order anytime before it is dispatched. To initiate cancellation, contact us via: - Upon successful cancellation, your payment will be refunded within 7 business days to the original payment method.
- After Dispatch:
Unfortunately, we cannot cancel orders once they have been shipped. However, you can initiate a return once the product is delivered by following our return process.
Refund Policy
We offer refunds under the following conditions:
- Defective or Damaged Products: If you receive a damaged or defective item, contact us within 48 hours of delivery with images for verification.
- Incorrect Product Received: If the product you received is different from what you ordered, let us know immediately.
- Order Cancellation (Before Dispatch): Refunds will be processed as per our cancellation policy.
Refund Process
- Approved refunds will be processed within 7 business days of receiving the returned product or confirmation of cancellation.
- Refunds are credited to the original payment method. For COD orders, refunds will be processed via bank transfer or other preferred methods.
Non-Refundable Items
Refunds are not applicable in the following cases:
- Items that are used, damaged, or altered after delivery.
- Custom-made or personalized products.
- Products marked as “Final Sale” or “Non-Refundable.”
How to Request a Refund or Cancellation
To initiate a request:
- Contact us at or call +91-9664460946.
- Provide your order details, including the order number and reason for the request.
- Follow our instructions for return shipping, if applicable.
Contact Us
For any questions or assistance regarding cancellations or refunds, feel free to reach out: