Crack GATE 2025: Eligibility, Exam Pattern & Preparation Tips

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a bright chance for students who want to pursue a Master of Engineering (ME), Master of Technology (, or a direct PhD degree at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IITs) and other institutes/universities across India. This year, it will be organised by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Every year, more than 9 lakh students appear for the GATE exam. It is an online computer-based exam that will be conducted at select centers in select cities. The exam duration will be 3 hours.

Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2025

GATE 2025 Exam Pattern

All Changes in the GATE 2025 Exam

Two new subjects have been added: Geometric Engineering (GE) and Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM). The total number of subjects was 28 before this change, which has now increased to 30.

All questions of the GATE 2025 exam will be of the objective type.

The eligibility criteria have been changed from a minimum of 10+2+4 (ongoing) to a minimum of 10+2+3 (ongoing), which means candidates studying in the third year of any undergraduate program can now apply for the examination. Students applying for the GATE 2025 exam can now choose from two distinct papers from the list of combinations that have been introduced.

GATE 2025 Exam Preparation Strategy and Tips

GATE aspirants are divided into two categories: 

Neophytes: These are the freshmen preparing for the competitive exam for the first time.

Rank Improvers: These are the repeaters who have already given one or more attempts.

Strategy for Neophytes:

If you’re a fresher who is applying for the GATE exam for the first time, you can follow the below strategies and preparation tips:

Strategy for Repeaters: 

GATE 2025 Complete Syllabus 

GATE Test PaperCodeTopics 
Aerospace EngineeringAEEngineering mathematics, Flight mechanics, Space dynamics, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Propulsion.  
Agricultural EngineeringAGEngineering mathematics, Farm machinery, Farm power, Soil and water conservation engineering, Irrigation, and drainage engineering, Agricultural process engineering, and Dairy and food engineering.
Architecture and Planning ARPart A: CommonArchitecture, planning and design, Construction and management, Environmental planning and design, Urban design, landscape and conservation, Planning process, Housing, and Services and Infrastructure.
Part B1: Architecture History and contemporary architecture, Building construction and structural systems, and Building services and sustainability.
Part B2: Planning Regional and settlement planning, Planning techniques and management, and Infrastructure planning. 
Biomedical EngineeringBMEngineering mathematics, Electrical circuits, Signals and systems, Analog and digital electronics, Measurements and control systems, Sensors and bio instrumentation, Human anatomy and physiology, Medical imagining systems, Biomechanics, and Biomaterials.
Biotechnology BTEngineering mathematics, General biology, Genetics, cellular and molecular biology, Fundamentals of biological engineering, Bioprocess engineering and process biotechnology, Plant, animal, and microbial biotechnology, and Recombinant DNA technology, and other tools in biotechnology.
Civil EngineeringCEEngineering mathematics, Structural engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Water resources engineering, Environmental engineering, Transportation engineering, and Geomatics engineering.
Chemical Engineering CHEngineering mathematics, Process calculations and thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics and mechanical operations, Heat transfer, Mass transfer, Chemical reaction engineering, Instrumentation and process control, Plant design and economics, and chemical technology.
Computer Science & IT CSEngineering mathematics, Digital logic, Computer organisation and architecture, Programming and data structures, Algorithms, Theory of computation, Compiler design, Operating systems, Databases, and Computer Networks.
Chemistry CYPhysical Chemistry: Structure, Group theory, Spectroscopy, Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Surfaces and interfaces.
Inorganic Chemistry: Main group Elements, Transition elements, Lanthanides and actinides, Organometallics, Radioactivity, Bioinorganic chemistry, solids, and instrumental methods of analysis.
Organic Chemistry:Stereochemistry, Reaction mechanisms, Organic synthesis, Pericyclic reactions and Photochemistry, Heterocyclic compounds, Biomolecules, and Experimental techniques in organic chemistry.
Data Science & AIDAProbability and statistics, linear algebra, Calculus and optimisation, Programming, Data structures and algorithms, Database management and warehousing, Machine learning, and AI.
Electronics & Communication EngineeringECEngineering mathematics, Networks, Signals and systems, Electronic devices, Analog circuits, Digital circuits, Control systems, Communication, and Electromagnetics.
Electrical Engineering EEEngineering mathematics, Electric circuits, Electromagnetics fields, Signals and systems, Electrical machines, Power systems, Control systems, Electrical and electronic measurements, Analog and digital electronics, Power electronics.
Environmental Science & EngineeringESMathematics foundation, Environmental chemistry,  Environmental microbiology, Water resources and Environmental hydraulics Water & wastewater treatment and management, Air and noise pollution, Solid and hazardous waste management, Global and regional environmental issues, Environmental management and sustainable development.
Ecology and Evolution EYEcology, Evolution, Mathematics and quantitative ecology, Behavioural ecology, and Applied ecology & evolution.
Geomatics EngineeringGEPart A: (Common)Engineering mathematics, Remote sensing, GNSS, and GIS.
Part B1: Surveying and MappingMaps, Land surveying, and Aerial photogrammetry.
Part B2: Image Processing and Analysis Data quantisation and processing, Digital image processing, Radiometric and geometric corrections, Image enhancement, Image transformation, and Image segmentation and classification.
Geology & Geophysics GGPart A: Common Section
Part B: GeologyGeomorphology, Structural geology, Crystallography and mineralogy, Geochemistry, Igneous petrology, Sedimentology, Metamorphic petrology, Paleobiology, Stratigraphy, Resources geology, Global tectonics, Applied geology, Hydrogeology, Basic principles of remote sensing.
Part B2: GeophysicsSolid-earth geophysics, Geodesy, Earthquake seismology, Potential and time varying fields, Gravity methods, Magnetic methods, Electrical methods, Electromagnetic methods, Seismic methods, Seismic methods, Geophysical signal Processing, Geophysical well logging, Radioactive methods, and Geophysical inversion.
Instrumentation EngineeringINEngineering Mathematics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electrical Circuits and Machines, Electrical Circuits and Machines, Control Systems, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Measurements, Sensors and Industrial Instrumentation, Communication and Optical Instrumentation.
Mathematics MACalculus, Linear algebra, Real analysis, Complex analysis, Ordinary differential equations, Algebra, Functional analysis, Numerical analysis, Partial differential equations, Topology, and Linear programming.
Mechanical EngineeringMEEngineering mathematics, Applied mechanics and design, Fluid mechanics and thermal sciences, Materials, and manufacturing and industrial engineering. 
Mining EngineeringMNEngineering mathematics, Mining geology, mine development and surveying, Geomechanics and ground control, Mining methods and machinery, Surface environment, mine ventilation and underground hazards, mineral economics, mine planning, systems engineering.
Metallurgical EngineeringMTEngineering mathematics, Metallurgical thermodynamics, Transport phenomena and rate processes, Mineral Processing and extractive metallurgy, Physical metallurgy, Mechanical metallurgy, manufacturing processes.
Naval Architecture & Marine EngineeringNMEngineering mathematics, Applied mechanics and structures, Fluid mechanics and marine hydrodynamics, Naval architecture and ocean engineering, Thermodynamics and marine engineering.
Petroleum Engineering PECalculus, Linear algebra, Complex variables, Differential equations, Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics, Petroleum exploration, Oil and gas well drilling technology, Reservoir engineering, Petroleum production operations, Offshore drilling and production practices, Petroleum formation evaluation, Oil and gas well testing, Health safety and environment in the petroleum industry, enhanced oil recovery techniques, and the latest trends in petroleum engineering. 
PhysicsPHMathematical physics, Classical mechanics, Electromagnetic theory, Quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, Atomic and molecular physics, Solid state Physics, electronics, Nuclear and particle physics.
Production & Industrial EngineeringPIEngineering Mathematics, General Engineering, Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Processes II, Quality and Reliability, Industrial Engineering, Operations research, and Operations management.
StatisticsSTCalculus, Matrix theory, Probability, Standard discrete and continuous univariate distribution, Stochastic processes, Estimation, Testing of hypotheses, Testing of hypotheses, Non-parametric statistics, Multivariate analysis, Regression analysis.
Textile Engineering & Fibre Science TFEngineering MathematicsTextile Engineering and Fibre Science;Textile fibres, Yarn manufacture, yarn structure and properties, Fabric manufacture, Structure and properties, Textile testing, Chemical processing. 
Engineering SciencesXELinear algebra, Calculus, Vector calculus, Complex variables, Ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equations, Probability and statistics, Numerical methods.
Life Sciences XLAtomic structure and periodicity,  Structure and bonding, s, p and d block elements, Chemical equilibrium, Electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, Thermodynamics, Structure-reactivity correlations and organic reaction mechanisms, Chemistry of biomolecules.

GATE 2025 Answer Key

The answer sheet for the GATE 2025 exam is released within 2-3 weeks of the exam for candidates to check whether their answers are correct. Candidates can download the answer key from the official website of GATE, With the help of the answer key, students can check and calculate their approximate score before the result declaration.

To access the answer key, students must open the official website, click on login, and enter their enrollment ID/email ID and password. The GATE 2025 answer key will be displayed and can now be downloaded.

If a candidate is dissatisfied with the answer key, they can challenge it for 500 rupees per question. Candidates need to be mindful of their time constraints because the answer key challenge has a brief 2-3 day window. 

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